
Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Lifted Wings" Sparrow Dance Premiere Performance

I had a delightful evening filled with contemporary dancing, some hip hop, and a lobster. If you don't know what I am talking about, it's the up and coming dance company in Burlington, WI called Sparrow Dance with artistic director Helaina Callahan.

Last night, I got the chance to see their performance, and I thought they did a very professional job. The show was a mixture of humorous and serious pieces throughout the evening, and the performance had influences from Ballet, Modern, African, Hip Hop, and Post Modern along with some live music. I really enjoyed the balance of entertaining and thought provoking works. It was wonderful production.

They have two more performances today which are at 3pm and 7pm. They are performing at Wilmot Union High School. Tickets are $12, and you gotta bring cash. I ended up digging out some change for I never am prepared.

Sparrow Dance is a treat to see, and I look forward to future events from them! Check them out later today or tonight as well as on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, we were very thankful you came to see us. We enjoyed you being there as much as you enjoyed our show. Tonight's 7pm performance was the best way to end our premiere weekend. It couldn't have gone smoother and we were on point. (not to be confused with pointe) ;) There's already talk of a Halloween performance. We will keep you up to date. Thank you again for coming all that way for Sparrow Dance. We love you.
