Over the recent loss of an inspiring professor, choreographer, and dancer,
Ed Burgess, I am shaken with anger and sadness. He was fearless and strong. I don't even truly comprehend that he is gone. How could he just not be? I remember the last time I saw him we were in the Dance Dept office just catching up on each other's ongoings, and I asked him if he every wanted his own dance company someday. I will take his answer with me for the rest of my life because it is so Ed. He just simply said not really; he never wanted to be too definitive with who he was as an artist because he felt that he was constantly changing and evolving with however he felt. He enjoyed the freedom! I deeply respect him in more ways than one because he was such a free, expressive individual. Ed Burgess was an amazing professor who not only had goals for us on the syllabus, but goals for himself as well. As a student, I wanted so desperately to make him proud, and as he had high expectations, it was sometimes frustrating. But I remember always feeling empowered and free after one of his Modern dance classes. I deeply regret never telling him so and I hope he knew how thankful I was for him and his approach to dance and life.
There is a
Tribute by Third Digest that gives a really deep insight into the life and passing of Ed Burgess to commemorate such a beautiful man.
Thank you Ed! I gave myself a good butt kicking work out this morning thinking of you!